Here’s the beginning of a joke for ya… What do you get when one overgrown giant devours a small planet? My punchline is… probably a lot of gas!! It seems that Micro (cough) soft wants to buy yahoo for 44.6 billion or 31$ a share. For those of you that are not quite sure how much 44.6 billion is, you could buy 446,000 houses that were 100k each or win Who Wants to be a Millionaire 44,600 times. That means you would have to answer 669,000 questions correctly. (weird guy looking over my shoulder) “Ok math time is over Chris!!” Sorry, I see big numbers and my brain shorts out more than usual. So if this deal goes through we can be sure of three things…

  1. Microsoft will still suck
  2. If Yahoo didn’t suck, it will start to
  3. I am still poor

So here is what I am hoping for… in response to this deal actually happening, Google offers Linux a partnership, takes over the net, and we all die happy. I know, I’m a dreamer, but hope is all I have left.

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