
Top 5 OS independent applications for your new system

I just bought a 17 inch MacBook Pro. The reason I went with the Mac is because apple hardware is the only hardware that can run all three of the major operating system out of the box. In my day to day life I support Linux, Windows, and OSX systems. Even though I have to support three operating systems, I like to try to use the same software stack on each system, to make my life easier. So below is my top five applications that are the same on each OS.

Self Sabatoge

When there is a plethora of sites teaching you how to get around Vista… maybe its time to say Linux or even dare I say… Apple (I think I threw up a little)

Give it up Microsuck

Cellphone Mod, I don’t think so

Check this out… Cellphone Mod

Um, is it just me or don’t you think if you took a little crazy glue you could do the same thing without becoming a total geek? And if you were going to mod your cellphone, why not attach a PSP or a DS to it? Come […]

Be gone multiple mobile device chargers.

So I walked into my bedroom the other night, looked at my nightstand and it looked like an octopus standing on its head trying to get a hold of my TV remote. The rats nest of cords from chargers for my multiple mobile devices was out of control. I don’t know about you […]

The legality of CD/DVD copying…

Just in case you were worried about going to jail because your furniture is now made from old burned cd’s and dvd’s stapled together… if you are making music CD’s you are not likely to become T-bone’s lover. However, if you are copying movies and Universal Studios finds out through telepathy, the whole […]

Wifi Enabled Home Theater Remote

Here is one to file away in you upcoming cool gadgets file. TvCompass has introduced a Wifi enabled Home Theater Remote control. The Windows CE based device boasts a color screen, wifi capability, built in browser and can control about two dozen devices simultaneously.

The days of entering multiple device codes into your universal […]

Totally useful

There are two types of people in this world. Those who think this is a complete waist of time and money and those who think this is the coolest thing in the world. I fall in the second category. This is the world’s most powerful flash light. In fact it is going for the record. […]

WINDOWS 7, Quest for the Holy Grail?

Speculation and a leak from Microsoft just a couple weeks ago pointed towards a new M$ operating system to be released sometime in 2009. The new OS currently named Windows 7 has been in the planning stages since the release of Vista. What does this say to the people who unwisely went scurrying to the […]

Skyfire promises a real web browser for windows mobile platforms.

The one thing that has kept me from buying a smart phone is the crappy browser support. I’m not going to drop a ton of cash and not be able to access the information I need. That’s why I use a Nokia N800. It has a real firefox based browser. Unfortunately it is limited […]

“Technology overload” can ruin relationships: expert

If this is true then the first thing I am going to have to do before asking someone out is cut off their internet connection. Scratch that. I’ll google them first then cut it off. Maybe I finally found a good argument for Time Warner’s plan tiered internet pricing. Nah…..

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