
Apple releases OSX 10.5.2

Get it while it’s hot! Apple just released the long awaited 10.5.2 update to OSX. Tons of fixes are included.
Updates were made to:

Active Directory
Back to my Mac
RAW image
Login and Setup
Time Machine

And a bunch of other things. The download weighs in a 180 MB so plan to spend a few mins. The baby can be […]

Minority Report Cube Becomes Really Real… Really!!

So I never was a huge fan of the movie Minority Report, but I did like that cube that Tom Cruise used to fondle before he became obsessed and addicted to Scientology. Now, you too can find out who is going to almost kill who next. (what did I say?) All you […]

Bluetooth Impedes Upon WiFi’s Personal Space… WiFi Sees Proctologist

Bluetooth was born approximately ten years ago and came out of its binary shell in 2000. Since then it has grown like a healthy symbiote should, attaching itself to many unsuspecting spidermen gadgets to make life more interesting and rewarding. But now it is starting to grow out of it’s 270 billion inch […]

Widgets on Apple TV?

Ars-Technica is reporting that a recent patent filling by Apple points to widgets being developed for the Apple TV. I sure hope this is the case. When the Apple TV was first released I read all the reviews that reported that it missed the mark so I didn’t actually pay attention until it was hacked […]

Lego Electric Chair

Here’s one that the whole family can enjoy. Some twisted Lego engineer (bless his soul) designed and produced a prototype “Lego Electric Chair” . Take your little beloved lego figures with their funny shaped bodies and little snap on heads and crank 10 KiloVolts through their plastic little bodies. Watch as they […]

And all you had to do was add an “s”

For those of you with domain names out there, you might want to consider buying an extra name with an “s” at the end. Otherwise you could end up like and blowing your last 28000 allowances on crap. Unless of course you like crap, and then by all means this should […]

What’s on the horizon for PC hardware…

You might want to wait to buy that $3000 PC that can calculate why I put the milk in the cabinet and the cereal in the fridge after making breakfast. My brain is seriously trying to escape my head. Of course even if you were to buy the top of the line hardware […]

Vista SP 1 and I don’t care

and if you think this will solve your problems with Vista, then I have some land on the moon I want to sell you. Ok so it might make it work a little better so instead of being on the PC for an hour to figure out how to get your sound card working, […]

Yahoo + Microsoft = Yacrosoft? Microhoo?

Here’s the beginning of a joke for ya… What do you get when one overgrown giant devours a small planet? My punchline is… probably a lot of gas!! It seems that Micro (cough) soft wants to buy yahoo for 44.6 billion or 31$ a share. For those of you that are […]

Self Sabatoge

When there is a plethora of sites teaching you how to get around Vista… maybe its time to say Linux or even dare I say… Apple (I think I threw up a little)

Give it up Microsuck