I came home today to find my house had been struck by lightning, which is weird cause it’s still winter here. (welcome to Cleveland) What is even more peculiar is that my wireless router was “smoking” with my telephone and Barry Manilow was playing in the back round. Disturbing thoughts aside, neither wanted to work anymore. So I went to my favorite computer store to buy a new wireless router and there was no manual included. (I just had to buy the cheapest thing on the planet, didn’t I?) Long and painfull story made short, I found this great site that has almost every default router password in a database. Just select the maker of your router (doesn’t have to be wireless) and there it is. If by some crazy chance the site doesn’t have your router listed, (and you finally find your router info) you can enter it on the site so everyone else who has that router will refrain from using choice words when they speak with the next available representative.

Check it out…