If you use Windows, you know about balloons. Every day I get at least one telling me to take a shower or to fall asleep on the edge of a cliff. (my computer hates me) Luckily, I’m the sadist in the relationship. Here is a little registry edit to remove those annoying pop up balloons…

Windows you smell balloon

  1. Click the start menu and select Run
  2. Type in regedit and select Ok. (Always be careful what you do in the registry because you can really hurt your PC.)
  3. Follow this path in the registry… HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced
  4. Once you are in the Advanced folder, go up to Edit, select New and select DWORD Value.
  5. Type in “EnableBalloonTips” (exactly as shown without the quotes)
  6. After it is created, double click on EnableBalloonTips and set the Value data to 0
  7. That’s a number zero in case you were wondering.
  8. Done and I’ll answer any questions after I’m done taking a shower.