Ubuntu has released the first beta version of the next version of the popular Linux distribution. Go grab it now so the shock to your system on April 24th, when the final version is suppose to be released, doesn’t shock your system to the point of needing a reboot.
- Linux kernel 2.6.24
- Xorg 7.3
- GNOME 2.22
- PolicyKit
- PulseAudio is now the default
- Firefox 3 Beta 4 with better GNOME integration
- Transmission BitTorrent client
- Vinagre VNC replaces the xvncviewer
- Brasero CD/DVD completes nautilus CD/DVD burning support
- World Clock Applet
- Inkscapewith better PDF support
- KVM is now officially maintained within the Ubuntu kernel.
- ActiveDirectory integration using Likewise Open.
- iSCSI support built into the kernel