Monthly Archives: March 2008

The Logitech diNovo Mini does work in OSX and Nokia N800

The title should read
“Does work in OSX, with the Nokia N800, and, wait for it, Linux.” At least Ubuntu.

Well I just received my Logitech diNovo Mini from Amazon this afternoon and I’ve had just enough time to run a few test.

First I tried it with the Nokia N800. Once I got over the hurdle of the passcode (enter any passcode on the N800’s keyboard pair settings and then type it in on the diNovo) I was all set on the N800. Of course the Nokia N800 (being a touch screen device) doesn’t have a mouse cursor per say but, the menu mode of the diNovo Mini lets you navigate just fine. That coupled with the keyboard shortcuts proved to be quite useful. The keyboard shortcuts on the N800 do have to be tweaked a bit from their defaults given the key layout on the diNovo but, this is not all that hard.


Don’t fear, Microsoft Vista SP1 is here. Epic fail?

I hope not, but reports are coming in that it fixes a lot of things behind the scenes. Well who the hell cares about that? If I have to click ok one more time because Vista wants to make tripily sure that I want to run a program that I have run 50 […]

How to listen to Sirius online radio with Linux or OSX.

I never thought I would actually pay for radio until a co-worker of mine signed up for Sirius satellite radio when Howard Stern made the switch to Sirius. Now, Howard Stern I could care less about but, this gave me my first extended exposer to the music channels. Every afternoon, for weeks, I would hear a great song off an album I had long forgotten, on the Alt Nation channel, wafting over the cube wall. I was just about sold.

The only problem remaining was reception. My co-worker sat next to a window and was having reception problems despite Sirius having a land based repeater in our market. I’m located closer to the center of the building so using a satellite radio probably wasn’t going to work. So I waited. Sirius offered online streaming but it was only a 32k stream. Not going to work for me.

Finally, Sirius started offering near CD quality streams but, only offered a Windows based player in a browser. I love my tunes but, not enough to switch back to Windows. So the hunt was on to find a way to stream Sirius online to Linux or OSX. If you want to try Sirus for three day for free sign up here.


Lost your reason to live? How to retrieve a password in windows.

Recently, a friend of mine contacted me about a friend of hers, whose sister died tragically and the friend needed to access her sisters computer. Fortunately and Unfortunately, her sister kept her windows password in her head. Now her head is gone and we needed to get the password. (I’m think I’m going to hell for that one) I did some research and here are some ways to help you retrieve the password from your sisters head computer.


How to install WordPress on OSX using MAMP to make life easier.

A lot of the people asking me how to install WordPress on OSX have new babies. I’d like to apologize up front to the rest of the internet for bringing more new baby sites to the internet and thus hindering the speed at which we all can download music. Sorry.
How to install WordPress on OSX using MAMP

Since starting this web site I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how easy it is to use WordPress. The answer is it couldn’t be easier but, I would recommend that you setup a development environment first so you can test everything. That led to a second set of questions from all my friends that use OSX. How do I setup a test environment on my Mac? I know that the Apache web server is included in OSX but I can’t figure out MySQL or PHP. It’s true that OSX comes with Apache, and you could use it, but there is a much simpler way. Use MAMP.

MAMP stands for Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. You have probably heard of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) which is the standard web development platform on the internet. There is also WAMP; Windows, Apache, so on and so forth. One more acronym, WIMP; Windows, IIS (Internet Information Server. The default Windows web server), MySQL, and PHP. I’m so clever. You also might be thinking that I’m not very clever because I felt the need to explain what IIS was. In either case, I don’t care and you are probably correct.

All these acronyms provide all the necessary components to run WordPress locally on your given platform. In this case, the wonderful OSX.

Anyway, read on to learn how to install WordPress on OSX using MAMP.


Skype 2.0 and Linux share a nanobyte frapachino together

With Skype 2.0, video conferencing for Linux is a go. The Windows and OS X versions with video are already out. Now you can see your mistress as she talks about her lingerie and how they barely cover her unmentionables. mmm unmentionables. Skype has also fixed some bugs and made the […]

N810 Price drop. My first retraction.

It was reported across the net and repeated here that Nokia dropped the price on the N810 Internet Tablet. Apparently there was a mistake because the price is back up to $439. Darn it! If you jumped on this mistake and actually got one, I hate you. You can enjoy a 15% discount by […]

GNOME 2.22 released

From arstechnica… “The GNOME development community has announced the official release of version 2.22 after six months of development. GNOME is an open-source desktop environment that supplies a complete user interface and an assortment of programs for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. GNOME 2.22 will be featured in Fedora 9 and Ubuntu 8.04, […]

Apple Iphone 1.2.0 firmware PWNed, hacked, and beatin with an old lady’s walker

Gotta give props to Gizmodo for covering this story so well. (it’s almost like they want to steal our traffic along with everyone else’s… nah!!) The Iphone firmware that comes with the Iphone SDK, has been hacked. Dubbed the Pwnage Project, the Dev Team made it possible for the Iphone to […]

Myth 0.21 is out. How did I miss this one?

In my defense I haven’t been reading the MythTV mailing list in a few days. I know, I’m a slacker. For those of you that don’t know, MythTV is a an open source software Personal Video Recorder project. It lets you build a box similar to a TiVo or ReplayTV, but much more powerful – and more easily modified. It is ideally suited to allow you to ditch that piece of … DVR from your cable company.

I’ve been using MythTV in one form or another for the better part of two years and I have been nothing but pleased. Granted you have to be semi decent at Linux and have the time to tweak the system but, if you do, you’ll be more then happy. I use it for whole house media distribution.
