
Vista SP1. Gain a patch, lose everything else.

If you haven’t been following the fall out from the release of Vista SP1 you might want to catch up before Windows automatic update forces it on you in April. It seems that some users have reported problems on the Vista team blog.

SP1 was released as a manual download on the Windows Update site early […]

New Dell Latitude E-series laptops leaked.

Engadget has the scoop on the new Dell Latitude E-series laptops. According to them there will be two new lines. The essential and mainstream series. The essential series is a budget laptop that will replace the Dell D531 and D530. The mainstream series will replace the D830 and D630. What is interesting is the spec […]

Finally get a stable router using open source firmware. DD-WRT or Tomato.

Every week I hear the following questions:

I just ordered a broadband connection. What do I need to share it among my computers?
What do I need to use the wireless card in my laptop at home?
I keep having to reboot my router to get my internet connection to work. What can I do to improve it?

The answer to the first question is you need a router. To cover question two, you need a wireless router. Finally, to cover all three questions with one answer, you need the WRT54GL.


Ubuntu Hardy Heron Beta released.

Ubuntu has released the first beta version of the next version of the popular Linux distribution. Go grab it now so the shock to your system on April 24th, when the final version is suppose to be released, doesn’t shock your system to the point of needing a reboot.

Linux kernel 2.6.24
Xorg 7.3
GNOME 2.22
PulseAudio is now […]

OSX boot options.

Like Windows, OSX has a number of options you can invoke at startup. One example of this would be holding down “c” during the boot up sequence in order to boot from a CD. That is just one example. I thought I should list the rest for my “OSX noob” friends.


A view of an early adopter from the outside.

As a self described early adopter it is useful, from time to time, to a take a good look at yourself and your bank account. That’s why I found this blog post of interest. If for nothing else it is good for a laugh. No, I don’t own an iPhone but, I would if it […]

The Logitech diNovo Mini does work in OSX and Nokia N800

The title should read
“Does work in OSX, with the Nokia N800, and, wait for it, Linux.” At least Ubuntu.

Well I just received my Logitech diNovo Mini from Amazon this afternoon and I’ve had just enough time to run a few test.

First I tried it with the Nokia N800. Once I got over the hurdle of the passcode (enter any passcode on the N800’s keyboard pair settings and then type it in on the diNovo) I was all set on the N800. Of course the Nokia N800 (being a touch screen device) doesn’t have a mouse cursor per say but, the menu mode of the diNovo Mini lets you navigate just fine. That coupled with the keyboard shortcuts proved to be quite useful. The keyboard shortcuts on the N800 do have to be tweaked a bit from their defaults given the key layout on the diNovo but, this is not all that hard.


Don’t fear, Microsoft Vista SP1 is here. Epic fail?

I hope not, but reports are coming in that it fixes a lot of things behind the scenes. Well who the hell cares about that? If I have to click ok one more time because Vista wants to make tripily sure that I want to run a program that I have run 50 […]

How to listen to Sirius online radio with Linux or OSX.

I never thought I would actually pay for radio until a co-worker of mine signed up for Sirius satellite radio when Howard Stern made the switch to Sirius. Now, Howard Stern I could care less about but, this gave me my first extended exposer to the music channels. Every afternoon, for weeks, I would hear a great song off an album I had long forgotten, on the Alt Nation channel, wafting over the cube wall. I was just about sold.

The only problem remaining was reception. My co-worker sat next to a window and was having reception problems despite Sirius having a land based repeater in our market. I’m located closer to the center of the building so using a satellite radio probably wasn’t going to work. So I waited. Sirius offered online streaming but it was only a 32k stream. Not going to work for me.

Finally, Sirius started offering near CD quality streams but, only offered a Windows based player in a browser. I love my tunes but, not enough to switch back to Windows. So the hunt was on to find a way to stream Sirius online to Linux or OSX. If you want to try Sirus for three day for free sign up here.


Lost your reason to live? How to retrieve a password in windows.

Recently, a friend of mine contacted me about a friend of hers, whose sister died tragically and the friend needed to access her sisters computer. Fortunately and Unfortunately, her sister kept her windows password in her head. Now her head is gone and we needed to get the password. (I’m think I’m going to hell for that one) I did some research and here are some ways to help you retrieve the password from your sisters head computer.
