
WinVNC system tray icon won’t go away no matter how many times I curse at it.

I needed to install WinVNC on my enemy friend’s computer so I could keep tabs on his daily atrocities, (ooh, that’s my big word for the day)  but of course I didn’t want him to know about it.  WinVNC now compiles their program with the icon in the system tray and no way to remove […]

Symantec Ghost who? A list of open source alternatives.

Have you ever just finished something important and all of a sudden the lights dim, your PC begins to sound like the clothes washer, and then bam, your work is gone? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, right? Maybe I should have taken my watch off before sticking my hand in that running PC after all.

Well, the thing that annoys me most is, not losing the work, but knowing I’ll have to spend the next two days rebuilding the system just in order to recover whatever I was working on. Like a good boy, I save my work to multiple locations. If you care about it, don’t trust it to a computer, I always say. Strange advice from someone who is a computer professional.

Anyway, the solution to this problem has always been to ghost your system. Ghosting your system means making a backup image, applications and all, so that you can restore your system to a running state quickly. Strangely enough the product most people use to do this is called Ghost. Get it? Ghosting? If you have ever used the recovery CD that may have come with your system then you have probably used Ghost without knowing it.

So if you already have a rescue CD from your computer vendor and have used Ghost before why should you read this. Well, I’m willing to bet that you have added a ton of applications, system settings, and other things that aren’t included on that rescue CD so, its probably a good idea to update that image once in awhile. Here is the gotcha. If you want to do that then you need to buy Ghost. Buy Ghost? Why would you do that when there are better, free, open source alternatives. See, I thought this might be worth the read.


Google Earth, a better way to mapquest.

Getting directions online is part of our everyday rituals now, so why not do it in style? Google Earth lets you play god satellite and lets you zoom from seeing the whole earth to the roof of your house/apartment/underpass. You can get directions and not only will Google Earth map it out for you backwards and forwards, but you can “drive” the route via digital car. I’m not sure if this will help you or not, but it makes my top googolplex of cool features. (get it… googolplex… oh shut up) My favorite thing to do is to check out other places in the world like Rome or Japan. The satellite photos of the world are updated about once a month, so you can’t really spy on anyone if that’s what your evil little mind was thinking. Here are some other cool features of Google Earth.


A little more Asus Eee PC news

After last weeks announcement about a Windows XP option for the Asus Eee PC a few more details have come out. In an interview with Laptop Magazine, Jerry Shen, CEO of Asus, said that the new EeePC will be available in April and uses Intel’s 45nm ‘Diamondville’ processor, now named Atom. There will be a […]

How to create an ISO image in Linux

Do you ever get tired of swapping CDs or DVDs around? How about packing all those movies and music discs for that long flight? If so, why don’t you put that big honking hard drive of yours to work and simply create copies of your media. This also saves the battery on your laptop. Spinning the CD/DVD drive on that cross country flight will mean you’ll be reading the back of the barf bag some where over Iowa because you have run out of juice.


Since when is viewing a URL hacking?

Since today I guess. If you weren’t already aware of the uproar yet, apparently Howard Forums has been threatened with a take down notice for a post containing a publicly accessible URL. What’s in the URL that is so bad? It appears to be a list of unencrypted streams used by Mobi TV on Sprint […]

iPhone SDK released. Next…

Just in case you live under a rock like I do, Apple released the iPhone SDK today. Apparently its free but, it costs 99 dollars to publish an application. Considered yourself informed. Back to trimming my nails.

Quick highlights.

SDK released for free.
iPhone/Touch update in June.
App store.
No, you can’t buy the SIM unlock app in the store.
Finally, […]

Asus Eee PC with Windows XP?

Asus announced it will begin shipping it’s Eee PC laptop with Windows XP pre-installed in place of Linux. Talk about the good chasing the bad. Don’t worry though. The Linux version isn’t going anywhere.

When Asus came out with the Eee in Japan it offered it with XP as its primary OS. The model number was […]

Ipod invention leads to more car accidents and padded everything in the blink of an eye.

Japan’s new eyelid control for the Ipod is a new great way to make accident prone people live up to their name. (and they never needed help to begin with) Infrared sensors that you attach to your glasses or headphones detect blinking commands that change the song. Taniguchi told reuters that the blinking interface requires the user to wink strongly for 1 second with one eye to rewind, use the other to skip to the next song, or close both eyes to pause and play. So now you don’t just have to worry about drunk drivers, or people who haven’t slept in a month. (cause I don’t worry about enough as it is) It is these kind of inventions that are not thought through enough before they are designed and sold.


Anonymous proxy? Hide yourself online.

Ever want to go somewhere on the net where you shouldn’t be without the “man” knowing? Come on. Get your mind out of the gutter. Think of something like playing fantasy football at work. We all do it. We just don’t want the boss to know how much we do it. If this is the case then you need to use an anonymous proxy server.
